Jumat, 03 Juni 2011


WH – EVER berfungsi sebagai pronoun ( kata ganti ) yang digunakan untuk memodifikasi clausa, dalam penggunaannya wh-ever ini memiliki banyak fungsi yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan penggunaannya dalam kalimat, diantaranya :
1. Whoever – Any person ... who ( menyatakan seseorang )
Whoever wants to know can ask me.
Whoever you tell will be jealous
2. Whatever,whoever – Anything ... that
Whatever you say will be held against you.
Whatever you say will be held against you.
Whoever you ask, he will tell you the same.
Whatever you want, just ask me.
3. Sentence Position (kata ganti yang digunakan dalam posisi kalimat awal untuk memperkenalkan klausa )
Whichever one you want, you can have.
Whenever you please, you can phone me
Wherever we went, people talked about us
However you travel, it will take a day to get there
4. Rephrasing Wh-ever Clauses (kata ulang yang digunakan untuk mengulang objek yang sama)
Whoever telephones, tell them I am out
Whoever you are, I'm not opening the door.
Whatever your reason is, make sure it is a good one.
Whatever she said to you, you can believe

5. wh-ever - like adjectives (seperti kata sifat ) Wh-ever Phrases vs. Clauses
Whatever occasion arrives, she bakes.
Whichever day you choose, just let us know.

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